Traveling With Dennis L. Siluk

Dennis Siluk has traveled the world over 27-times, here are just a few stories and articles by him. see site:

Monday, July 03, 2006

The Alamo [Texas, USA]: Travel with D.L. Siluk

The Alamo, Texas, And The Misplaced Americans From New Orleans

By Dennis L. Siluk

For some reason it is to me the most gratifying monument in America, the Alamo! Perhaps the legend of Davey Crocket, Jim Bowie, and the 181 other freedom fighters stick on me like glue. I mean, I could pick out a dozen more places like: the Statue of Liberty, or Independence Hall, but it is the Alamo, and it always has been for me, ever since I can remember.

I went to see it in l993, and at the time I was married to a teacher (not for long), anyhow, I went to see it five times in five days, and she got mad and protested. I told her to take the car, and just drop me off and pick me up at twilight. She wouldn’t, she stayed with me, and then we went to see other sights. But I came back the following morning.

For a teacher, she should have enjoyed it more than me; anyhow, the siege which lasted 13-days can never be forgotten once it is pictured. And the slogan, “Remember the Alamo!” it echoed throughout the United States, back in the l830s, and still does for me.

It is a little bit like the New England Colonist when they rebelled against England over taxes, etc: in a like manner, the Texas colonist’s rebelled and captured San Antonio; thus, only 200-rebels remained in the Alamo, and hoping for reinforcements, of course died, but it is what America is made out of—hope guts and inspiration: and freedom is always down the line someplace. Now these two-hundred belong to an everlasting legend. In a man’s life time, you can’t do much better than that. Plus they kicked a lot of ass back then; Santa Anna’s forces got it full force at the Battle of San Jacinto: a little at the Alamo. I see Texas is doing a good job again for the Misplaced Americans from New Orleans, well done.


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